Why Not Me?

Poem written by Ryan Danley (Dec 2019)

The Meaning

After my accident, I was broken both mentally and physically. I would wake up everyday and ask God, the Universe, or anyone who would listen... why me? Why did this happen to me? 

I felt hopeless. I felt defeated. I wanted to give up on life itself. 

I sought understanding. Books like As a Man Thinketh, Man’s Search for Meaning, and Can’t Hurt Me helped me flip my mind on its head. 

I realized life is what we make it. I made it my mission to make my life the best it can be. I stopped asking “Why Me?” and I started asking “Why Not Me?” 

The odds of fully recovering from paralysis are slim, but not zero. Why can’t I be the one who heals? 

There will be a day when we have a cure. Why can’t I live to see that day? 

Who’s to say I won’t be the one? Why not me?

This is the mindset I work on strengthening each day. These are the questions I ask myself to keep me focused on what could be instead of what is. Because anything is possible. 

I wrote a poem for me to reference when I’m going through those inevitable tough moments in life. These words help me weather the storms, and I hope they do the same for you. 

I hope each time you look at your Why Not Me pin, you are reminded to focus on what’s possible instead of what has happened. I hope when you find yourself in a situation, instead of asking “Why Me?” you look inside yourself and begin to ask “What’s possible for me? What can I achieve? How can I reach my ultimate goal? How can I make a difference? Because someone can and someone will... Why Not Me?”

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